
在Mac App Store 上的「PDF Annotate

$690.00 · Edit PDFs easily with PDF Annotation! Add text, images and signatures. Make changes, fix typos, resize images, fill out forms, ...

Annotate pdf

A simple yet powerful pdf annotator. Seamlessly annotate, type on, and sign pdf. Make notes, comments and corrections, add drawings, designs, ...

Use annotation and drawing markup tools to add comments in PDFs

Select an annotation or drawing markup tool. From the quick tools menu on the left, select the desired annotation to add to the PDF.

Edit, Comment and Annotate PDF Online

評分 4.9 (68,994) · 免費 LightPDF's AI-powered online PDF annotator lets you add text, mark content, and annotate PDF files. Perfect for students, secretaries, and office staff.

Annotate PDF

The most popular online web app to draw on PDF files using your mouse, stylus, or trackpad. No signup or registration is needed.

Annotate PDFs with a stylus or freehand on Android

On your Android Device, open the Google Drive app. To enter preview mode, open the PDF you'd like to annotate. At the bottom right corner, tap the annotate ...

Annotate PDF - easily, online, free

評分 4.8 (215) · 免費 How to annotate PDFs. Select the file you want to annotate. Annotate your file with tools like adding text, images, shapes. Save your file as a PDF.

How to annotate & markup PDFs in 3 easy steps

Annotate your file using Acrobat PDF tools. Add text boxes, format text, and insert sticky notes, shapes, or freehand drawings with the pencil tool.

PDF Annotator

評分 4.4 (3,021) How does PDF Annotator work? Add notes & annotations to any PDF document: Comments, corrections, signatures, highlighting, even photos and drawings.

Annotate PDF Online | Free PDF Annotator

評分 4.4 (89) Annotate PDF files online. Quickly add text and notes, highlight content, insert shapes and other markups with our free PDF Annotator.


$690.00·EditPDFseasilywithPDFAnnotation!Addtext,imagesandsignatures.Makechanges,fixtypos,resizeimages,filloutforms, ...,Asimpleyetpowerfulpdfannotator.Seamlesslyannotate,typeon,andsignpdf.Makenotes,commentsandcorrections,adddrawings,designs, ...,Selectanannotationordrawingmarkuptool.Fromthequicktoolsmenuontheleft,selectthedesiredannotationtoaddtothePDF.,評分4.9(68,994)·免費LightPDF'sAI-powered...

EasyPDF 最簡單的 PDF 合併分割重組工具

EasyPDF 最簡單的 PDF 合併分割重組工具
